Test schedule

Physiology and Neuroscience tests dates

Please follow the main website for actual information.

numbers in parentheses refer to the topic numbers in Curriculum, dates to be set with Class President



tests take place as scheduled

TEST 3 (5): May 16, 11.30. Lecture Room 109
TEST 4 (6): May 24, 11.30. Lecture Room 110
TEST 5 (7): June 10, 12.00. Lecture Room 109



tests take place as scheduled

TEST 8 (4): May 10, 14.00. Lecture Room 110
TEST 9 (5): May 24, 14.00. Lecture Room 110

Credit test: tbd

FINAL: June 25, 9.00, Lecture Room 109 



tests take place as scheduled

TEST 2 (4-6): May 10, 12.00. Lecture Room A in Hospital
TEST 3 (7-9): June 7, 12.00. Lecture Room A in Hospital
Credit test: tbd

FINAL: June 27, 9.00, Lecture Room 110